6 Chiropractic Care Myths Debunked
Millions of adults in the U.S. live with chronic pain. Chronic pain can be debilitating and can interfere with everyday activities and affect cognitive function and mobility.
Many over-the-counter medicines and prescription drugs for chronic pain can have long-term side effects. Some pain medications are highly addictive and if a person who has been on these medications for a long time stops taking them, they may experience withdrawal symptoms.
Many people with chronic pain turn to chiropractic care to manage their condition. Chiropractic care can relieve many different types of chronic pain, including tension headaches, lower back pain, neck pain, migraine headaches, and chronic shoulder pain.
If you have been injured in a car accident, look for a chiropractor near you. Chiropractic care is often used to manage various types of neck and back pain from car accidents. Chiropractic care after a car accident can minimize pain, thereby speeding up recovery, reducing scar tissue, pain and inflammation, and restoring range of motion.
Chiropractic care is increasing in popularity with each passing year. However, many people are hesitant to seek the help of a chiropractor.
Though chiropractic care has been around in some form for a long time, several myths are doing the rounds about it. To help you make informed decisions, we attempt to bust some misconceptions about chiropractic care. Take a look.
Once You Go to a Chiropractor, You Have to Keep Going Back
Many people with debilitating conditions seek routine chiropractic care. Routine care and overall care plans can differ for each patient. After your chiropractor makes an accurate diagnosis, they will recommend a specific number of initial visits.
Your treatment duration will depend on your condition. If, for example, you strained your back, you will receive a specific number of adjustments. Once you are healed, you may not need any further treatment.
If you have been struggling with debilitating chronic pain for a long time, you will need long-term care, and your treatment plan may be lengthier. Your chiropractor may recommend that you see them regularly so they can monitor your condition and take steps to prevent flare-ups.
Chiropractic Care Is Not Safe
When performed by a trained chiropractor, chiropractic care is safe and effective. There are no serious side effects of chiropractic care. Some people report discomfort, dizziness, and headaches after receiving chiropractic care. In most cases, soreness, pain, or discomfort after a session is temporary.
Chiropractic care is safer than many other treatments for chronic pain. Though every medical intervention and procedure carries some risk, chiropractic care is generally considered safe.
Chiropractic Care Is Painful
Many people automatically assume that chiropractic care is painful. During a back adjustment, many patients hear a popping or cracking noise. These noises do not signify pain. They are caused by the gas moving through the fluids in the joint as they are manipulated and stretched out.
Contrary to popular notions, many people report immediate pain relief after an adjustment. You might feel a little sore after a session, but the intense release and relief are definitely worth it.
Chiropractic Care Does Not Work
Many detractors of chiropractic care claim there is no evidence to support the effectiveness of chiropractic care. This is not true. Various studies have shown that spinal and joint manipulation is an effective treatment for acute and chronic musculoskeletal conditions that affect the joints, bones, and muscles.
Chiropractic Care Is Expensive
Contrary to popular belief, most insurance policies cover chiropractic care. It is cost-effective and often very affordable with insurance. Some chiropractors offer special plans for those patients whose policies do not cover chiropractic care.
The cost of chiropractic care will vary from patient to patient. Before seeing a chiropractor for the first time, talk to your insurance company and call your chiropractor’s office to discuss your options.
Chiropractic Care Only Helps Relieve Back Pain
Chiropractors are trained to assess, diagnose, use chiropractic adjustments to help manage and prevent chronic pain that results from disorders affecting the muscular, skeletal and nervous system.
Many people seek chiropractic care for back pain. In addition to relieving back pain, chiropractic care can help manage several other health problems, including digestive problems, muscle pain, fatigue, allergies, sciatica, high blood pressure, sleep disorders, and anxiety. Chiropractic care may also relieve pregnancy-related discomfort and pain.
Your central nervous system communicates with the rest of the body. When your spine is out of alignment, it cannot communicate effectively with the different parts of your body. This can result in a number of issues.
Spinal adjustments improve nervous system function, resulting in several health benefits. Your chiropractor may also recommend lifestyle changes and putting healthy foods on your plate to keep your spine healthy and happy.
Have you been struggling with pain for a long time? Let Ascent Chiropractic help. We have extensive experience creating patient-centered care plans. To make an appointment, call 206-241-3836.